Saturday, July 12, 2008

Smart Kids

It's fun when all the siblings get together.  Between us we have 14 kids so it is always a big party. 

Little Miss Cupcake

Cascade last summer in her little miss cupcake shirt.

One year Cascade had a shirt that said Little Miss Cupcake so now Sierra likes to call her that on occsaion.

Baby McKinley the Cake Stealer

Yum, Yum.
Benson was smiling until Mc Kinley took his cake.  

Now she has Trentons cake.

Mc Kinley loved the cake on the fourth and would steal a piece anytime there was one at reach.  Who can blame her.  

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday America

Here's a picture from the 4th. Thanks Sierra for having the camera out and making sure I added this to my blog.

Cassiar Rae

Cassi graduated in June and turned 18 on July 2. Here's a picture of my beautiful baby sister. Congratulations and I love you Cassi.